We recently learned that some of the rocks they want to mine provide some of the oxygen for this planet. This shouldn't be done for many reasons, but if you need a selfish one then less oxygen seems like good reason to not mine.
Some important takeaways include new items including the “Massacre Drone” and a “Killpower Switch,”
Yeah, pass. This developer seems to enjoy the slaughter of things, especially if they are cute and innocent.
Is this the new "female presenting nipples"? 🤣
Right, which is why more workplaces should be without hierarchy. Worker etc owned coops should be the goal and the standard for making this happen. More unions should have that as their end goal, not just alowing hierarchies to continue to exist whilst they fight them continuously.
We found a list of some public instances. However a quick search online seems to indicate most are likely self hosting.
Agreed. We really wish more open source projects would move to CodeBerg or their own ForgeJo instance as we find GitHub needlessly complex and poorly designed. GitHub also feels like a place for 'rockstar' developers whereas CodeBerg feels more like a place where development can happen more equally and there's no status, at least the same as there is on GitHub. Last but by no means least there's no built in LLM bullshit built into CodeBerg or ForgeJo stealing code, which is nice.
LLMs are not and likely will never be good at translating things as they cannot and likely never will understand context, nor keep up with the way languages both natural and constructed change over time. Please do not use them as you will likely just confuse viewers.
As for programs to do subtitling yourself: https://alternativeto.net/software/subtitle-edit/?license=opensource
Thanks for the information. We agree with the first commenter though, more people and projects should move away from GitHub and to CodeBerg or their own ForgeJo instance.
Yup, in our experience horniness doesn't have to be directed at anyone or anything. It just is.
Yes. We don't buy that the amount of money spent isn't a waste, it seems to us that it speaks to the amount of inefficiency in 'defense' spending and organisation. We genuinely believe that the money could be better spent elsewhere like in education and health.