
joined 2 years ago
[–] Szymon 8 points 1 year ago

The game isn't to be the best person to fix America. The game is not fucking up.

They tell people what they think online and on tv, you don't need a debate. The only thing that can happen to old men like Trump and Biden on a debate stage is them fucking up.

A massive win on stage wouldnt change their base or sway people more than pundits hammering your point eloquently for you, but a fuck up would end them, so they don't go.

[–] Szymon 4 points 1 year ago

I think we need to seperate the ability for a corporation to make decisions of its own free will from the notion of fairness and equity for a society which allowed a franchise like Wendy's to be created. They're giving many of their supporters the middle finger after thinking they found a winning lottery ticket.

I can understand being pissed off about it as someone who isn't rich, but I also understand it's a system I have no control over other than what I choose to buy myself. I won't support Wendys if they want to choose profits over people. It's sad to see more of the world turn into a heartless corporate hellhole.

I personally hope they got their numbers wrong and they fail.

[–] Szymon 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

They wouldn't do it without crunching the numbers first.

They may lose 15% of their customers, but the ones that stay bring in 25% more money with less capital spent on labour and resources by having less customers.

The point isnt making good food for people. The point is funneling money towards the conglomerate that owns the Wendy's franchise. This is capitalism.

[–] Szymon 39 points 1 year ago (19 children)

They're outright accepting less customers in favor of those willing to pay higher prices.

That's great for a quarter, maybe a year, maybe 5. At what point does it catch up and you've trained everyone to stop eating fast food because you wanted to charge more than people can dedicate to food?

[–] Szymon 31 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Why do you think the ultra rich are building themselves doomsday bunkers? Conflict and disaster are coming.

They believe the science they're asking you to ignore. They also believe they're not planning to stop anything.

[–] Szymon 4 points 1 year ago

If he's asking me, he's an asshole. I choose to interpret it the way you did, and use it as a way to improve yourself and your community.

[–] Szymon 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Letting it burn down would be best, it's going to be torn down and destroyed anyway if it was that hard to put out.

Edit: not sure I empathize with those downvoting me, I dont see a world where a private business's asset, which is covered by insurance, is worth the health and safety of an entire community for any length of time.

Sorry Helen, we can't run your dialasys machine because it would inconvenience Mr. Landowner. Sorry Martha, I know you've just been in a lab accident and your skin is melting off, but we need the emergency shower water for Mr. Businessman so that he thinks we're doing work instead of caring about our community.

[–] Szymon 28 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Well, we're here talking about an important issue and he'll be remembered forever.

What are you using your life for?

[–] Szymon 20 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Why would millions of Russians be killed if Russia left Ukraine and went back home? Its Putin, not Ukraine. Slava Ukrainia!

[–] Szymon 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Your UK community ended up on the front page of someone outside the UK, it's a risk you take when discussing things that others are participating that aren't a part of you society.

Gives you something to think about anyway, depending on the context.

[–] Szymon 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Weird, I don't think I mentioned the UK in my comment. While I'm sure the Israeli PM has quite a bit to do with UK elections, it wasnt mentioned in the article.

I was speaking about AI being used for immoral political discourse, which is what the article speaks to, and extrapolated the concept to other areas it in can have an arguably positive impact.

[–] Szymon 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

If they're using it for bad, fair game to use it for good with some AI deepfakes too. I wonder if we'll see a paparazzi style video of Bibi eating a pork chop soon.

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