joined 2 years ago
[–] TEKUMS 7 points 2 years ago

Part of the deal is that he has to sell his 10% stake in the Canadians. So that will remove any sort of conflict that may occur.

[–] TEKUMS 2 points 2 years ago

Oh God don't give them ideas

[–] TEKUMS 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Suuuper curious to see how this turns out. I didn't get through The Outer Worlds, something about it lacked the draw of exploration for me and it felt like a smaller more linear game. Hopefully this will be more like Oblivion/Skyrim with the world being more connected.

[–] TEKUMS 14 points 2 years ago

Understandable, but I doubt much bullying is happening during class time, where I feel that having cellphones put away would be the most beneficial. Several times I've been asked to put my cellphones in pouches that set off alarms when opened during small comedy shows/concerts, I feel that might be an alright solution to in class device lock down. Then when the class is over phone can come out.

In terms of bullying I think that's more a failure of the education system that these students don't have someone to turn to, in the faculty, to deal with it. It sucks because I couldn't imagine what bullying is like now in the digital age. I always felt that teachers and admins never got enough power to deal with severe bullying without blow back from parents.

[–] TEKUMS 18 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I'm surprised that this wasn't something that was already implemented. When I was in highschool in the early 2000's cellphones would be instantly taken away if they were spotted by a teacher during class.

I don't understand parents needing constant contact with their children. As a kid I would've hated that, helicopter parenting x1000.

[–] TEKUMS 1 points 2 years ago

Pixel 7 Pro, it's the first flagship phone I've bought in a really long time and really no complaints. I came from a pixel 4a and was worried about the size difference but was super surprised at how big it didn't feel lol. Even with a dbrand grip case on it, still feels like a normal sized phone.

[–] TEKUMS 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

oh man, Doom 2016 is one of my go too pump up albums. Mick Gordon killed it making the OST, dam shame Bethesda fucked him around with Doom Eternal.

[–] TEKUMS 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

The characters seem to still being doing that Bethesda thing where they just stand in attention at you and stare you down lol.

Really curious to see how the combat actually feels and if there will be a V.A.T.S. like system, I know that's something that a lot of people like and the combat is this game looks a lot faster than any combat in a Bethesda game before. So it could turn some people off who aren't a big fan of fast paced combat but really enjoy Bethesda stories and worlds.

[–] TEKUMS 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I still haven't played through it yet, got it on steam sale, but with this announcement I'll probably hold off until this update is released.

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