Selling character changes when you can't start a new game without deleting all game data and cache.
That's while they're in the air. How much extra power will it take to get the whole shebang airborne?
This was a magnificent troll and someone took the bait. Let her take the art to the next level.
I was told by a Russian that they venerate beaurocracy. The documents show the objective truth and it doesn't matter that everyone involves knows that the contents is bullshit as long as the process has been followed to the letter.
Yagami Tetsuya assassinated Abe Shinzo, former PM of Japan, while he was drumming up support for a candidate from his party. The motive was his mother draining the family savings account to donate to a Christian cult known as the Unification Church, aka Moonies. He actually wanted to kill the Moonie leadership but deemed it unrealistic, so he went after Abe who had ties to the cult. After the assassination, it came out that a lot of Japanese leadership had ties to the cult and there was a bit of a witch-hunt.
Good. Now slap a 300% luxury tax on them too. Exclude the utes with the steel trays.
Pay your fucking workers, Clive.
I was so disappointed when they discontinued factory tours because people couldn't keep their fucking hands to themselves when walking past the chocolate machines.
Vaping is still available in Australia as an aid to quit smoking. It just requires a prescription.
Lol the CIA doesn't need one. ASIO hands them whatever they want personally.
Running out of old stockpiles to send. Western militaries have plenty to spare, but it'd be the ammo they actually use.
I think the hate is them essentially selling a difficulty slider.