Uh, good luck! It's giving me cold sweats just looking at that version disparity!
If it were me I'd be looking at doing some intermediate upgrades to help it along, if that's even possible. But hey, it might work, please report back!
Uh, good luck! It's giving me cold sweats just looking at that version disparity!
If it were me I'd be looking at doing some intermediate upgrades to help it along, if that's even possible. But hey, it might work, please report back!
Yeah I'm having the same problem. So many image posts get through because there's no relevant keywords in the title.
I've had to resort to restricting my Lemmy and Mastodon apps to 15 minutes each per day. On the plus side my phone's battery is lasting a lot longer!
Yeah, everything that's already been said, except that I specifically chose an off-the-shelf Synology NAS with Docker support to run my core setup for this exact reason. It needs a reboot maybe once or twice a year for critical updates but is otherwise rock solid.
I have since added a small N100 box for things that need a little extra grunt (Plex mainly) but I run Ubuntu Server LTS with Docker on that and do maintenance on it about as often as I reboot the NAS.
Do you mean Pebble 2 or Time Steel? They never released the Time 2 so I'm really hoping they do this time around.
You're complaining that it'll be overpriced and then recommending pretty much the most expensive smart watch available all in the same breath. 😂
It's being brought back by the guy that made the brand in the first place and they're keeping it simple. It's gonna be great.
You didn't mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.
I always thought games should be accessible to everyone.
In a ideal world absolutely, but there's literally zero chance of Sony reciprocating, as shown by their behaviour during the Bethesda case. Exclusives for me, not for thee.
I'm happy for PlayStation owners but, as someone heavily invested in the Xbox ecosystem since the OG, it feels like a kick in the teeth.
Were you talking about MacOS? It's been a long time since I last had to use it but I assumed it was case sensitive because it's Unix based. Uh maybe ignore me then!
Opened the thread hoping someone would've done this (and too lazy to do it myself). Thank you for your service.
There is no darkness, there isn't even nothing, because there's no you to experience it.
It's such a weird concept to get our heads around but this is it, and I personally find it quite comforting. It's just very hard to explain why!
NTFS absolutely supports case sensitivity but, presumably for consistency with FAT and FAT32 (Windows is all about backwards compatibility), and for the sake of Average-Joe-User who's only interaction with the filesystem is opening Word and Excel docs, it doesn't by default.
All that said, it can be set on a per-directory basis: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/case-sensitivity
Yeah same. I played through the whole thing in co-op and had a blast.