intentionally choosing a symbol of as their pfp
"Tell me you're a loser without saying anything"
intentionally choosing a symbol of as their pfp
"Tell me you're a loser without saying anything"
Destination: jarl's backside
the British very nearly got wiped off the map
nazi germany and british empire taking each other out would've been the best possible outcome. Yeah I know anglo island was severely weakened by the war but still
Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture
Some of the endgame interceptor/gauntlet/hot pursuit ones were no joke too
But nothing comes close to the endgame time trial stuff
"Contact sport" is another difficult one
I haven't played hot pursuit in ages but I can still remember those stages
This fucking stage from need for speed hot pursuit (2010)
It literally took me about a hundred tries to achieve the gold timing for this stage
Have you ever wondered what a small moon tastes like?
they don't think of the rest of us as human