It is incontestable that Stalin raised the standard of living. The Russian people don't go hungry.
If you showed a lib this quote without context they'd cry "tankie"
Your average lib's view of Stalin is to the right of Hitler's
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It is incontestable that Stalin raised the standard of living. The Russian people don't go hungry.
If you showed a lib this quote without context they'd cry "tankie"
Your average lib's view of Stalin is to the right of Hitler's
Libs would twist this into "red fash tankies literally quoting Hitler to justify Stalinist Russia" or something
Unlike modern libs, Hitler had to engage in the material reality of Russia on some level because he was fighting a war against it, rather than just going off of vibes and half-remembered Red Scare propaganda
Exactly like the classic fallacy they love to use:
Lib cites public CIA talking point as proof we need to bomb X country. You say, "The CIA lies about this stuff all the time, here's an internal CIA memo where they discuss lying and controlling the media to generate fervor and consent for killing these other people" The lib says, "Aha, so the CIA isn't a trustworthy source but you're citing them here"
This way they can A. Dismiss criticism against CIA B. Maintain that the CIA is a trustworthy source. C. Prevent you from citing the CIA despite them supposedly believing it is trustworthy (when it says stuff they like).
“Stalin fed the Russians by stealing the food from Ukrainians. Haven’t you heard of a little thing called Holodomor.”
I will remind you that the USSR restored its economy to pre-war standards in just 5 years, after losing 27 million people and incalculable cost of destruction, while keeping pensions and social safety nets intact, without relying on foreign aid and investments like the Marshall Plan, and without degrading workers’ rights and wages.
There is not a single country in the history of humanity that can even remotely approach this level of economic and social achievements. None.
The DPRK after the Korean War had incredibly fast growth iirc
The standard of living was higher in the North until, I think, the 70s?
just for the memes I'm also going to post Hitler despairing at Himmler doing archeology: Obviously I don't agree with the idea that indigenous Germans during Roman times were somehow "primitive" for not putting a bunch of marble statues up or whatever because I'm not of the same reactionary persuasion as Adolf Fucking Hitler, but it is funny to see him crying about it:
really goes to show that redditors haven't changed over time
Same vibes as when catholic fascists fight with viking larper fascists like Varg lmao
Hey at least northerners didn't have communal toilets where you all poop while staring at each other
I'm currently reading Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend and these quotes are both referenced there as well. So satisfying to see the malding of Hitler and Goebbels once they realize they are absolutely fucked.
Interestingly, the British intelligence was way off too when it came to intelligence about the capabilities of the Soviets. Clearly nothing has changed as it sounds like today
The aristocratic arrogance of British intelligence has always been its downfall, when paired against the bourgeois lawyers of the Napoleonic empire they at least could give as good as they got, but since then it's been blunder after blunder with only the explosive strength of anglo capital saving them from total collapse
How is it possible that such a primitive people can reach such technical objectives in such a short period of time?
The secret ingredient is communism
"nooo you're genetically inferior untermensch you can't carry out greater engineering feats than our big brained aryans."
"haha rail go brrrr."
Reposting on old comment of mine with some more quotes, cos why not
Edit: This is the article I go the quotes from. There are more good ones in there too, where Hitler is essentially forced to admit that Soviet central planning was more efficient than market economies lol
I was reading through this article about German hubris whilst fighting the Soviets and modern day hubris when fighting the Russians the other day, and came across something interesting:
October 17, 1941. Hitler speaking to Reich Minister Dr. Todt and Gauleiter Sauckel:
"We shall have to settle down to the task of rebuilding the Russian track, to restore it to the normal gauge. There’s only one road that, throughout all these last months of campaigning, was of any use to the armies on the central front—and for that I’ll set up a monument to Stalin. Apart from that, he preferred to manufacture chains of mud rather than to build roads!..."
Initially I thought he was talking metaphorically, but is he actually talking about train track gauges? Did the Wermacht move supplies by train?
There's a load of other funny bits in there too:
Hitler, July 19, 1942:
"Just when the difficulties of the eastern winter campaign in the East had reached their height, some imbecile pointed out that Napoleon, like ourselves, had started his Russian campaign on 22nd June. Thank God, I was able to counter that drive with the authoritative statement of historians of repute that Napoleon’s campaign did not, in fact, begin until 23rd June!"
Nice one Hitler, you really showed that guy
Hitler, August 26, 1942:
"If Stalin had been given another ten or fifteen years, Russia would have become the mightiest State in the world, and two or three centuries would have been required to bring about a change. It is a unique phenomenon! He has raised the standard of living—of that there is no doubt; no one in Russia goes hungry any more. They have built factories where a couple of years ago only unknown villages existed—and factories, mark you, as big as the Hermann Goring Works. They have built railways that are not yet even on our maps. In Germany we start quarrelling about fares before we start building the line !"
It's as if markets are inefficient or something
Hitler, August 28, 1942:
"As regards the Russians, their powers of resistance are inimitable, as they proved in the Russo-Japanese War. This is no new characteristic which they have suddenly developed."
So much for that rotten structure then, lmfao
"Just when the difficulties of the eastern winter campaign in the East had reached their height, some imbecile pointed out that Napoleon, like ourselves, had started his Russian campaign on 22nd June. Thank God, I was able to counter that drive with the authoritative statement of historians of repute that Napoleon’s campaign did not, in fact, begin until 23rd June!"
"This statement has been fact checked by Adolf Hitler and rated:
The end of Hitler’s life really was funny. Dude was pushing around figurines on a map and giving orders and everyone around him was just humoring him while trying to find a way to defect to the west. Hitler would’ve made an excellent HOI player.
one of the most important aspects of the post-enlightenment technological development of capitalism in the imperial core is the manner in which they specifically destroy surplus. like other hierarchical and authoritarian societies, it is important that the surplus is still gathered, but it is even more important that the surplus is ritually destroyed. the surplus now is the labor of imperial core citizens, among other commodities. this labor is ritually destroyed for the vanity of the greatest of the capitalists. if it were instead turned towards the alleviation of socially induced suffering, such suffering could be done away with within the year.
this is indistinguishable from lovecraft-esque horror styles. which, yeah i know, makes sense. but also very funny
The Slavic cranium can read minds and enforce their will on others, so it makes sense