Maybe we should rethink if wolves are the best choice for the job then, eh?
No, because there's areas where deer are so prolific that they're considered pests. I knew many hunters in one such area, and nobody fed the deer, because it would have been costly and pointless.
Resist. Learn about your vulnerable neighbors. Join an ICE Watch.
Whoever wrote that obviously never lived in an area with deer hunters.
And if you really want to disconnect, leave your phone at home. Bring a map for directions (if you need it) and a disposable camera for pictures.
It's worth it!
I second the idea! Camping is so fun and refreshing
How to lose a technology war with China:
Step 1: Don't compensate the smart people that develop the technology.
Step 2: You lose! Congratulations!
Times End II: Majora's Mask (Remixes) by Theophany
Like a week ago
Don't need all, just enough. The rest will leave when they die.
And you don't have to convince everyone, just the folks in your life.
I feel like email is the one option where "total privacy" is either difficult or impossible to get secure, because the relay/service stores a copy and the receiver accesses that copy. If either of them are insecure or otherwise able to be configured to be no longer fully-private (e.g. ProtonMail), your efforts at private email are rendered moot.
Something is certainly better than nothing in this regard, but it seems to me that if you truly need secure communication, you should be using an E2EE chat app with local-only storage.
Edit: Saw your edit. Wiki sounds good to me.