Or a far more accurate count. Probably a combination of both.
I know he's not too popular at home but the more I hear about this guy the more I like him
Or the whole thing is made up because it's the internet.
Unfortunately there's a 5th Columnist at the helm in Alberta
never worked a day in her life.
Oh I suspect did quite a few jobs
Doesn't qualify, she was too old.
How confident are you that she also sees things as 'just friends'?
I'd stick to the safe money of breathing. Sure it's less but it's guaranteed, don't have to feel like you're losing money by spending all day on your PC or getting loaded on a beach somewhere. Plus if you get hit by a bus and crippled at least you still have your income.
Is there nothing the Governor can do in this situation? Or would it have to be the courts?
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Optimistic of them to think Israel is done with their genocide