I'm offended you endorse political violence against my people.
Never mind what I'm going to do to your people once we're in power.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.
Democracy just doesn't work.
I don't agree the pastor's 200 years ago didn't believe in God, I think it's more likely they had some weird set of mental gymnastics that made the idea fit their mold. There are as many ideas of God per person as there are sands in the Sahara or stars in the sky.
Without speaking for either the philosophy of capitalisms or the philosophy of Christianity, what a funny mish mash of theology we ended up with.
I used to be like the asshole Reddit atheist back in the day. I'm still an atheist but at the time I thought "look at all the bad stuff religion does" but as time goes on I'm beginning to realize that religion is a tool of politics. So ultimately the idea of getting rid of religion is just medical adhesive strips on a cancer patient.
I don't think I'd ever had kale. But in theory doesn't it work the same as lettuce? Just to be a vessel for huge globs of dressing?
Good luck telling that to the Trump administration.
This is where it gets funny. Word on the street is that part of Trump's administration cracking down on immigration will result in getting rid of the "anchor baby" protection status. Vivek is an anchor baby.
Honestly I feel this way about a lot of the look at the hot chick subs.
Eh, truth be told I just walked out. But once in awhile in the shower I look back and think "damn, that's what I should have said."
I trolled the Church of Scientology once. I went in pretending I was curious about this free personality test, to which I gave the most disparate answers I could think of. While taking the test they had this obvious plant walk out praising how helpful and great Scientology was for them. They had me sit down and watch this weird ass alternative psychology video while waiting for the results. The Scientologist came out looking visibly terrified but whatever, he took me into his office to give me his pitch. I feigned ignorance for a while and went to leave. He started getting desperate trying to get me to join until finally I said "Bro. I know about Xenu."