A new hunting rifle, my coworker invited me up north for a hunting trip. In my state you can only use certain gun calibers in the area I hunt at, but up north you can use longer range bullets. I've been wanting to get into long range shooting for a while but could never commit. I debated for a while and finally bit the bullet and got a ruger with a nice scope, got to take it to a 300 yard range and oh boy that was a lot of fun ringing 8 inch steel gongs from that distance. Didn't get a deer though but I'm happy with my purchase.
That was my thoughts too, by the time she gets to the brothel, I thought okay she's going to get bored and move on with her story. But nope, she stays there for most of the movie. Like what was the message here?
Michigander here, my buddy has a cabin in this town and I'd go up north a few times a year for a long weekend on the river. He also has some family that have lived in Big Rapids forever. His uncle, red as they come, was telling me he thought it was a great idea to bring in more jobs to a smaller college town and that was the general sentiment of the town.
He also told me that the "No Go On Gotion" movement was started by some wealthy realtor that was salty that Gotion bought up the property surrounding their luxury estate and horse farm to build low cost housing for the future workers. Driving into town there's an entire road lined with anti-gotion signs on one side, and it just so happens that is the edge of the realtors property.
Like a doll's eyes
Driving at night just sucks.
Band Geeks, by far.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Currently eating leftover Bdubs, that tore me up a few days ago. You just can't beat BOGO boneless thursdays.
Funny, I never have trouble finding size 13, but I'm more of a 12.5. They don't sell or make them at any stores, so I can't even try them on to test out my theory. Couple years ago, I was on Amazon looking for some Merrells, and I noticed they did have a 12.5 option available, it jacked the price up from 100 to like 250. So I guess they do make them but in very limited supply.
Not a mistake but etiquette. I spent some time in Jersey and New York and noticed it was not uncommon for a car in the left turn lane to gun it when the light turned green and impede oncoming traffic. Rarely do I see that in the midwest and when I do I call it as it is, the Jersey Pullout.
I made this account shortly after watching Jackass 4. One of the new guys brings his dad on, this guy served time and did not look like he was one to fuck with. They put his head in a fishbowl with a tarantula and he instantly went into full bitch mode. That man's name was Dark Shark.
Yes, he said that as one of his major points on his Rogan interview, granted he said that while mocking Biden's climate policies.
My work provides these for designers and I love it. I've been using it everyday for 5 years, I will admit it has become a crutch and I feel useless if I'm working from home and I forgot it at the office. Don't sleep on the hot keys either, sometimes they are program specific and sometimes they are operation specific with the program itself. I.E. I use inventor for 3D design and the assembly, part, and sketch tabs all have different hot key menus.