- Make America poor again.
- Get people used to the idea of being poor but make someone else take the blame for it.
- Bring back marginal improvements after people have gotten used to being poor.
- TADA! America Made Great Again!
I love how in r/conservative and r/antiSemitismInReddit (Ignore the name, they mean anti-neozionists and are willing to shame Jews who protest against Israels actions as well, they even have a tag for them), they always complain about reddit being biased against them when it is quite the opposite. Take Jibrish, bringing his Eve Online gaslighting and trolling from the r/eve community to the r/conservative community, also running around shamelessly in r/RedditSafety. Reddit is effectively Silicon Valley psyop, meant to gather data and keep an eye on the tendency of the more educated lot on the Internet (as well as keep them in pro-neozionist bubbles by pushing them in major subreddits like r/worldnews).
Hell, read or search about maxwellhill on YouTube. Some have taken that the fact that the account has logged in for private chats as having disproved that claim when all it proves is that someone, albeit lawyer, family member, or otherwise, has logged into the account. What can't be disputed as a conspiracy theory and can be easily confirmed is that Ellen Pao, former Reddit CEO, revealed Ghislaine Maxwell who along with Epstein essentially ran that, a Silicon Valley psyops, was present at the same Silicon Valley Christmas celebrations as her and other influentials. This is the level of manipulation, where there is money there will be a will to manipulate.
Reddit has absolutely no problem complying or letting US federal authorities and intelligence agencies access to all of the information they gather on your account on their backend. There used to be subreddits where you could report moderators, "karmawhores", who trolled and abused their power. They were banned from the platform even after complying far more than other subreddits that got to remain. Forget pointing out the genocide of Palestinians, there was a time where you would even get banned from worldnews for calling cryptoscams confidence games. After Trump's first term and the T_D disaster, the conversation seemed to shift from that failed insurgency (at the time) to a reddit spearled meme stock economic destabilization attempts. Reddit is subjecting yourself to be manipulated for the opportunity to participate in some communities, and they know it.
"Maximally transparent" in the same sense that Musk is a "free speech absolutist".
Because of one simple reason: "Don't care as long as I get mine's", personified in Trump, fueled by the increasing disdain those that have wealth and power have had for their neighbors such that the don't mind living surrounded by shit because they feel they already are.
Because they aren't "conservatives", that's just a label they slap onto themselves and their changes are more radical than those they label "liberals". What they really are is what you've said, voters more susceptible to believing lies, the psychotypes that have been identified through social network big data profiling that are particularly susceptible or within a network susceptible to manipulation. That's also why a lot of these social network are pretty shameless about how they want to stimulate fake AI users. It is the cattle-lification of social network for those with the wealth and the power to do it, to such an extent that terms like 1984's "doublethink" apply quite aptly well beyond the theoretical.
The US has already devalued being a member of NATO.
That's sort of what happened last time. Then the people behind the propaganda begun trying to make it global because they realized how easy it was to tell that shit was hitting the fan from the outside. Not sure what will happen this time, it's not like one can easily tell how many have entrapped themselves in one of their bubbles.
In the future: "Everything they had was repossessed by the jackasses associated to these assholes, but now we have freed them and crowdsourced society into compensating them for the stuff those jackasses enriched themselves with, so it's all fine now."
Too latino for him, not enough resources.
You will be enslaved cherishingly.
Will it? What will eventually happen if this gains any sort of popularity is that those people you think it will piss off will simply set up their own "grass roots" alternative the directly competes with them by gaslighting them about their "horrible practices they don't want you to know", along with funding "white farmers against bullshit affirmative action racist against whites" types of movements as the cherry on top.
They are as cyclical as people are cyclical for falling for confidence scams again and again and again ... You can consider something based on how good an investment it is, or based on how ethical it is. Very seldom will both work out. People, don't cry about the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, assholes behaving more like assholes, and inflation skyrocketing when you normalize and even crowdsource this sort of relationship with your economy. Don't be surprised when the society that surrounds you is so burnout all you have to spend your money on is shit.