Yeah, exactly. The one store I went to, right before closing did not have any psu's. So I ordered one for next week.
Thanks, I did this test and it just clicks and buzzes, without fan movement. But I did throw away my old psu while moving and I may have to wait for next week.
That was my first thought, because for whatever reason my computer wont start when my screen is turned off. You have to power cycle it with the screen on to get it to work. Haven't had this with older computers. But when this happens the leds still work.
Thank you, I just did this. Bridging the pins does nothing, it just clicks and no fan movement what so ever. So it seems the psu died. I try to get a second psu, but I may be oit of luck this weekend.
Yeah, Maybe one of the rails on the PSU broke? Can something like this happen? Some parts of the motherboard seem to get some power but, I do not get any of the main status leds.
I will try to look at the cpu later, I try to get a second psu for testing...
So, I tried this, it does the same click and thereafter a buzzing sound, so power bitton seems to work.
Thanks. I tried changing it, but sadly did not change anything.
I think it was either Mouthwashing, which I definitively finished that day (loved it), or Animal Well, which I bought that day and played a lot since.
Yeah, I once wanted to delete my Blizzard/ account, just made with an old mail address, no personal data attached (at least from my side) and they wanted to see scans of my id. After some back and forth I threatened them with a gdpr complaint and one day later they deleted the account, at least they said so.
I am a gardener, but I am not that much into this kind of plants, but looking at the leafs I too would say it is some kind of pandanus. The edges of the leaves look exactly like the ones at my workplace, they are very, very sharp.
War auch gleich um 8 da, war gar nicht mal so leer, kenn ich aus meinem alten Wahlkreis anders.