And Vance is the incompetent understudy to the jester.
What as good day for results!
Great point. But I think it's even more than that. Not only do they want kids uneducated, they don't want them to be happy or well-adjusted. They want an legion of angry, resentful, miserable, malleable subordinates.
A teacher who is passionate about her job and wants all her students to feel welcome? Can't have that! /s
In a time when teachers are overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated, what a stupid decision to try to drive them away and crush their morale. I feel bad for the kids stuck in such backward districts. But this teacher (and others like her) deserves better than all this Idaho bullshit.
The secret sauce is that most of them always were bigoted assholes. They just pretended not to be because that wasn't socially acceptable. But showing their wretched true selves is cool under the new administration, so they are.
And the rest of the faceless people are fine with that if it means that the lives of others who they don't like are ruined. They gain satisfaction of if the misery of others, even if it causes them misery too. It's toxic mental illness at its worst.
Thots and pears.
Musk is already calling for the judge to be impeached.
I guess such assertions are easy to make for him because he wasn't fucking elected. Narcissistic drug-fueled nepo-babies can rip the federal government apart with no negative consequences or accountability.
I suspect there are a lot of faces that were eaten by leopards in that room.
It's time for new parties to rise from the festering corpses of both the Democrat and the Republican parties. A new Democrat party that isn't filled with fucking cowards. And a new Republican party that isn't filled with psychopathic sycophants.
It's like when you hear some hardcore Christians (and probably other hardcore religious people) say that without the threat of eternal damnation they would be going around raping and murdering other people all over the place. And to them that's the main justification for the need for religion.
To me that's just a massive red flag that they are psychopaths and completely horrible people. If the only thing keeping you in check is angry sky daddy then you have something profoundly wrong with you.
I had a similar experience with my great grandmother. I always knew her as a really sweet old lady in an old people's home who was so kind and loving to me. She would keep the chocolates she won at bingo for me and my cousins and second cousins.
But it turns out she was horrible to my grandmother and her siblings. She constantly emotionally abused them and crushed their confidence. She also abandoned them when they were kids. She left my grandmother with my great great grandmother and an abusive relative for about 10 years. And she sent my great uncles to a boys home that resulted in some pretty brutal experiences for them. And all so she could run off with her lover. She then had a kid with her lover and then abandoned him and that child to come back to the original kids.
I think in her case, and it sounds like I'm the case of your grandparents, they are trying to atone for their sins by being nice to the next generations. But they realize any reconciliation with their own kids is impossible, do they don't even try. In my g-grandmother's case, she lived a very long life and was still tormenting her kids when they themselves were elderly.
It's hard to reconcile the memories you have of these relatives with the consistently awful experiences their kids had with them.