Breaking Bad was great from beginning to end. This is a list of finales that over-performed the rest of the episodes.
Star Wars fan here. Star Trek has always been an incredible example in pop culture of progressive values. They’ve supported love in all its forms, diversity, inclusion, and other “woke” values. They’ve created a world where everyone looks out for each other, protects each other, and includes each other. Star Trek is the future I want to live in. So, to all Star Trek fans, I give you a very enthusiastic “live long and prosper”.
At least the roll is hung the right way.
Dim Sum at Chef Tony
This is the way I do it. I still hear about everything, I just don’t need to seek it out. And I still feel very informed enough to vote.
Last show I watched with a crashing plane, there were a lot of unanswered questions, characters died, people came up with conspiracy theories, and it ended with the audience really upset. Sounds accurate.
Let the record show that I gave the 34th upvote to this comment…
Remember that if you’re an American citizen, you can make this happen. Never assume it’ll happen without your vote.
*promised to give. Anyone following self-driving cars over the last decade knows Elon’s promises are worth nothing.
Next you’re going to say we should stop asking wealth hoarders how they became billionaires.
Hear me out. Terminator needs to pull a Prey/Godzilla Minus One. The T-1000 can’t kill Sarah Connor before John is born? Send another one to kill Sarah Connor’s great grandmother. It’s the turn of the century, and a T-1000 is hunting a young adult in 1895. I’d watch that. It’s be a smaller budget, but it’d be so exciting because Great Granny Connor has to be incredibly resourceful in order to take out a beast like that.
I’m confused. What is this proving? I think the original comment was joking that any clothing that humans wear can be considered an ape costume since humans are apes.