It's likely that the researchers did not account for the higgs field spin as particles left the Penning traps. This would lead to the apperance of gravity instead of the more common antihydrogen alpha-g reaction that was expected.
I'm good, how are you?
Before we go any further, let me explain to you the guidelines for involuntary committment for suicidal ideation.
It was that way 20 years ago too.
A fun hobby that was ruined by smartphones.
Let's have a mudbath like we're on Parallax. This is a chill place. Don't poke others and you won't get poked.
A what point are stores with all these thefts going to be declared public nuisances? Perhaps having high-value items out in the open is a bad idea. Imagine a jewlery store with no cases calling the police. Stores should take some personal responsibility and stop asking for handouts from the police.
A person who is not great at social situations was not great at a social situation. No need to punch down at them.
Don't eat at Olive Garden or really any fast casual. They all hold items in plastic in hot water.
Is the arguement about a Star Trek shitposting board over? If not, I want to join your side. I wanted to be toxic ever since as a young Turducken I saw a holoprogram with a girl singing about being Toxic.
For real though, it's Risa. Getting downvoted is a good thing. The top of this us usually something with Gowron or Garek shoehorned into another meme.