Thank you.
No. Is this a bad LLM bot?
It was the visiting band whose team just won 27-0 . The police were being sore losers.
Ok, you're right. It depends on an individualcs defination of a strong economy. Generally, in a stable nation, a economic depression is accompanied by deflation. I can trot out FRED graphs that agree with me, but graphs are funny like the pirates vs global warming joke.
All that said, generally, in a stable nation, when alot of working folks are losing their jobs inflations slows hard or we hit a lil deflation.
After they hear this, I expect the big three to immediatly cease all manufacturing in Mexico and add a UAW seat on the Board of Directors. Cramer's advice should never be ignored.
This is called a soft strike.
Did Aaron accidently some info?
Show your work.
Yes, mild inflation (2-10%) is a sign of a strong economy. Personally, I think the Fed target of 2% is too low nad it should be at 4% to benefit the working class more. Would you like to know more?
That is an inciting violence law.