My situation is a bit odd, because my referral for an assessment was originally sent in 3 years ago. I probably should have done it earlier, but when I contacted CAMH earlier this spring to get an update on when my assessment would be, I was told that my referral had been cancelled because some requested information that I had sent in was lost. As it had been so long, they put me on a fast track to get assessed. So, sadly, I can't give you a realistic wait time, but as I understand it, a a year or two is normal.
I live in Canada, and I got my diagnosis through a publicly funded program at CAMH's Adult Neurodevelopmental Clinic. I was on a waiting list with them for a long time before I had my assessment. I'm so thankful that this service is available.
This is happening for me, except it's old posts that are popping up at the top of the feed, some weeks old. It's very annoying, and makes it difficult to catchup.
Cry - Carly Rae Jepsen. I get earwormed by that song on the regular.
Thanks for hosting us! I really appreciate it.
The downvote button is still there if you use old reddit.
I actually have no real way to gauge how long I've been in peri! I have a mirena so I stopped getting my period a really long time ago. It's only going by other symptoms that I figured out I was in peri. I'm 49, and I think I've been in peri for at least a year.
Lots of times. I use RIF and it's just a habitual thing for me to open it and browse a bit while I'm watching TV. I had to move RIF off my home screen because it was so distracting.
It's not odd to ask at all! I am late-diagnosed with ADHD and ASD, and yes, my symptoms did get worse with menopause. It was actually the worsening of my symptoms that led me to seek diagnosis.
I miss Reddit. I really enjoy the autism focused communities there. Some of them are still but, but I'm trying not to give Reddit any clicks at the moment. Hopefully things pick up here.
I'm still stuck on subscription pending for a bunch of communities. I see this both on the community list, and on the individual community pages themselves. Perhaps mods need to approve new users?
LOL this is accurate.