Can confirm Reservoir used to be a hub for cannoli - opposite the new council library there's still a couple of places .... Mind you, it's been a while since I went up there but the cake shops and the good butcher were legit.
Some things should NEVER have chocolate chips inflicted upon them. HCBs and panettone are top of my list here. The lemon sauced ones are so damn sweet as to be inedible imo. Just lop off the top dome horizontally and eat as toast, then pull off the giant paper muffin wrap bit by bit as you eat the remainder.
Panettone is a sweetened bread - very like brioche, but it takes much much longer to go stale. Soak a 3 cm thick slice of panettone in milk, or a mix of 1 beaten egg and milk, let it sit for half an hour to absorb the liquid. Then fry in butter until golden brown. Enjoy with jam and icecream on top or even bacon & egg. Or cut a 2 cm thick slice and just have it plain with coffee. Maybe a bit of butter on top if you are feeling fancy. Or just toast slices for breakfast. All this applies to the 'normal' panettone with fruit in it. If you've been given the chocolate sauced sort or the lemon sauced sort - then just cut slices and eat with coffee or a glass of something. I prefer the ordinary sort as more flexible. Intended (and ideal) for providing a quick snackette when unexpected guests come over - just cut up and put on a plate.
Hope your grandma is OK. Gastro is no joke if you've got T2D, what with dehydration and all that. Keep calm and hope for the best.
Cat pyramid.
To hell with pre-baking. If the aubergines are particularly liquidy, then scatter breadcrumbs between the layers. This does not prevent putting some breadcrumbs on top to soak up any fat that renders out of the cheese and turns deliciously brown and crunchy.
Luxurious instant pudding to follow.
Probably taste like chicken.
Yes. There was an altercation, and Baku's quite sensitive on some topics. We hope he'll come back, as we miss him greatly. Other participant was briefly banned but we hope they'll keep contributing too.
Ready To Eat. 3 lies for the price of one.
Have you heard John Farnham's version of this? Another absolute banger. his pre-concert warm up song apparently