Can we please refrain from making comments on peoples speech patterns. I feel that adding your personal opinion about not liking their speech pattern does not add to the conversation in any constructive way and only serves to further create alienation for people who do not speak english as a first language or who otherwise have some form of speech impairment.
Hey Google 'Creampie recipe' safe search on
Remember that fascism loves to use sudo-scientific narratives to drive their agenda. Sure, to someone who has little experience, they might sound compelling as they rely on a lack of understanding of an individual on a subject, but really think about it, Have you ever heard of a legitimate case of any trans athlete winning a major competition? How about it happening regularly? Do you know of any actual evidence to support this or is it more a "it just makes sense" feeling? This is important because they are making a non-issue out of something to keep your attention away from the real problems. Even if it is only a small part of your attention, it adds up, as this is but one of many non-issues designed to keep attention from the real atrocities they are setting up to commit.
"Its not bullying" as she continues to misgender the other person.
You fail to mention that studies of the antiviral properties of Ivermectin showed that the dosage requirements were proported to be higher dosage than what was considered safe and was likely to be toxic. Sure, maybe it can act as an antiviral medicine, but the other thing a medicine must do is, you know, not kill the person using it.
As an edit upon further reading, not only were some of the early studies suggesting dangerous dosage being required to see the affects, laterore rigorous studies showed little evidence it made a difference at all.
The worse part, that only too 2 minutes to google to see dones of papers on the subject, so maybe look into things before you parrot randos on the internet
Just because tariffs are payed by the people of the importing country doesn't mean they are not harmful to the exporter as well. I mean what do you think the natural consequence of tariffs are? As price goes up for the consumer they are going to reduce their buying of the product to the minimum amount they can get by with, which means less imports into the country imposing tariffs, which means less exports from the country who had tariffs imposed upon them. You forget that tariffs are bad for everyone involved. So no, it is not logical for China to back the Cheeto.
I definitely think Microsoft is going to abandon Xbox because I think the see the writing on the wall in so far as why they are in this market. I think there will always be a place for dedicated gaming hardware like the PS5, but I think it will become more of a niche purchase as time goes on and I think Microsoft does too. I think they don't like the numbers they are predicting for future console sales, but they do like the ones they are predicting for cloud gaming, since, in theory, anything with a screen and an internet connection could be a console these days. I have no clue if it will pay off for them (personally I hope not), but as technology gets better, the more space for people to settle throughout the wide spectrum of compute power. Microsoft I think wants to try to fill as much of the space as possible.
Just as a final note, that is a touch on my more personal opinion. I hope cloud computing is seriously considered as a huge source of the carbon footprint of the world with how much power it consumes.
A community is not something you can "migrate". You are not migrating a community, you are migrating a community space and in doing so, you are alienating said community. If you are unwilling to provide a safe space for said community, the community will either find new space or take their space back.
Does he understand what the word disease means. I mean clearly not, just had to say it.
I bet you large companies buying up properties to rent for profit for both short term and long term has done far more to increase rent prices the the supposed immigration problem everyone keeps whining about.
Words like 'for' make no difference in Google searches, it has to do with how the search index weights words.