I believed that to be implicit as neither the US or Israel would abide by the demands of the ICC. Agreed and thanks for helping to clarify the point.
As long as it is an exclusively defensive military, I'd have to agree! Maybe it could go a long way to help people understand each other and that we are all the same.
To be clear, I said it was people from the UN, not the entire UN. I'd preferably like to listen to the experts warning about a genocide rather than see if the world comes together to condemn it after the fact.
What is happening in Gaza is horrors that we can not even imagine.
Last I heard they had a ballot initiative to do an independent citizens redistricting council. It's what happened in Michigan to turn it blue and I think some of the same people and elements were behind it down there. If that's still the case it could be more than their right to control women's bodies on the line, which could explain how blatant and desperate this is.
Edit: I looked it up, the state dragged it's feet so it didn't make it on this year. 2024 hopefully!
^You don't even want to know what this guy would do to save hostages.
Women and children accounted for 3 out of 5 last I heard (hypothetical child soldiers not withstanding). I believe the ratio is 2 children and one woman, so if we speculate that 4th person is just another civilian male, then 1 out of 5 maybe? Do you think that sounds correct?
Would a ground campaign of selective engagement of hostile targets not lower that number? I mean, when someone shoots at you, or has a gun or is in front of you in a terror tunnel (hostages not withstanding) doesn't that lead to a much lower toll? Israel fields one of the best trained and equipped forces in the world. How could they not have conducted this with the support of very limited/targeted strikes? This is a legitimate question that is being asked globally. You don't think what I just laid out was possible?
How does her language not do that? Is it not polite enough? If a genocide occurs, which the UN is constantly warning about, then does the US and Biden, who have offered their full support, not hold any culpability in that? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding?
You think @Rapidcreek might stalk his neighborhood? I dunno, he seems nice. I suppose you never know whose stalking about though...
Seven people that work for the UN is not the UN? Who is an acceptable source from the UN then? Do you have anyone specific in mind? Is genocide a matter of opinion to you?
What terrorist organization would you accept the numbers from?
Don't count those chickens yet. They've got a lot of their own crimes to pardon, so they might try to pull a "patriotism" again.