It would almost appear they have doubled down on dissing Biden non-stop. Like its the only way they can cope with their lack of political action. Not sure how Trump pulling all restraint from Isreal and providing them with more money than ever is pro-palestine, but you'd think that crowd won the election by not voting or something.
Ah yes so just let them shut down the government for the most vunerable americans, and let the part that throws people in jail run free. This is good because instead of everyone hurting, only the people republicans want to hurt are hurting. The rest of the population is free to ignore fascism and go about their normal day.
This brilliant strategy brought to you by people who need to color code morality!
Once people stopped caring for the truth, and the only way to get people to listen was saying "The government doesn't want you to know this".....
Yea liberal qanon except based around actual facts, and history. What ever sells the message. All politics will be done in memes and 15 second video clips from now on.
Scheumer rubberstamped autocracy by not filibustering the CR. I think anyone who protects the constitution and their constituents is better than someone who doesn't. Not that any repuclicans fit the bill, but its not like we can just trust any old democrat. Look at Gavin Newsome sliding to the right to maintain power. That the kinda dems we want?
He's saying Trumpistan is the biggest welfare recipient. They are also armed, angry, and uneducated. At some point they will discover its not Brandon taking the social security checks. If they are hungry enough it won't matter. The trumpers across the street form me had 3 generations of adult men living with their 95 year old grandmother. Who's income do you think that was?
Oh I thought the American dream was having crony capitalism destroy your small business and send you to work at the Walmart that replaced you. Only to have to rely on government benefits because its the only job in 50 miles and it pays $7.50 an hour.
Thats the rural american dream baby. Sprinkle some opioids on it. It's glorious.
I'm talking about the Continuing resolution. Here have a read and let me know if you want to discuss it. I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I am certain you have not read the CR, and I'm suspicious you do not understand how government opperates.
I mean guy like its the money trump is using to fund all the executive orders, wtf are you going on about?