Have a previous gen 4K, and have not encountered any issues with Jellyfin on streaming. There's a spectacularly annoying bug that you lose your config if the atv is full to capacity - and with kids in the house it means frequent logins are required. The iOS client also seems to lag on features and updates compared to the other clients, but other than that niggle it's been great.
It's very "lipstick on a pig", but you can run the PWA side by side with the native desktop. I have many screens so I keep non-call activity in the PWA version to avoid this nonsense.
I'm sure they will add tabs eventually as an afterthought and make it even more obtuse though.
I also reflexively delete the personal OneNotes and start a new one where I want it to be, but the war between me and Microsoft about how I want my personal documents stored has now raged for many many years.
Think we just found where those security jobs are getting cut from!
Depends if they are in charge I guess.
I wonder if anyone on this forum has played the game enough to realise that the entire rating is entirely justified just on basis of the bloody wheel of fortune, which while pragmatically only 0.05% of the game is the bit that keeps me up at night and regularly makes me make poor decisions that hurt both myself and the current run.
If it didn't AIMP has a folders section under my music.
There's a couple of curators that "review" DRM in games. It's not perfect but it helps.
There's a few companies selling a very plasticky mini-pc that also has 2x 3.5" slots. Trialling it now for a homebuilt Nas, so far impressed. Worst problem is that the bigger drives can be noisy.
Aoostar in the US I think.
I don't disagree, I'm just grateful at least one of them is dead. Who knows, maybe one day they'll stop with the pointless bloody accounts too. Glares at Sony
Props to these guys. They tried something. Everyone hated it and they did the right thing. It's increasingly rare. Back to Civ I guess.
Our patron saint is from Turkey(ish), what's your point? We can steal culture as well as marbles you know.
Honestly not sure and the kids are firmly ensconced watching at the minute. I tried two or three, but it's the one with the "normal" Jellyfin icon. I tried infuse and another one, but this one was (for me) the best of the three.