Lots of good Info!
Completely did! Thanks for being kind.
My shell prompt is stock and gets really long sometimes
I'm about to install Debian and try some other desktop environments... And maybe I'll play with my shell prompt later.
I'm using guake
I like that it's just the F12 key away then F11 to expand to full window. Supports multiple tabs.
Anyone using guake?
Yum! Thanks for sharing
Lol! That was me last night but fortunately I played with fake copies and directories and wow. It could have been bad
How much global warming are they causing?
Are they making a profit at the cost of our lives?
Yet we're drinking out of mushy paper straws....and the temperature is still increasing....
Hmmm.... There should be a LARGE environmental tax for anyone creating that much pollution!!!!!!
That's ridiculous and won't work.
Just have your friends 8 year old buy it. Problem solved.
Pihole. Default block lists
Okay, got you. Thanks. Maybe I'm just use to it, and selectively backup stuff from my home without doing a full sync.
Thanks for the answer.
I'm not understanding why we don't want some config files in our home dir
Where else would we put them and why would I want to have to back then all up from different places?
I really enjoy how notepad++ can open 1.8 gigabyte text files or bigger...
Dolphin has been one of my favorite benefits of switching from Ubunt to Debian! I didn't know how "plain" nautilus was until I met Dolphin.
I've been able to customize the file window to my liking and it's really nice !