This sounds like a clandestine way to force cooperation of backdoors, otherwise asking for permission to patch your own software is bonkers ...
"Two bangs were heard before jet associated with Prigozhin crashed"
Tough beans?
/s sorry couldn't resist.
Oh.. bean is an app....
Sorry, lol I had no idea what sub I was on and thought it was a Lemmy / general feature requests.
What client are you using? I am using Connect for android and you can do this !
I'm using connect app on android. What are you using?
If you can't unsubscribe, I suppose you could block community?
That's unacceptable. I agree get a dumb modem from them and use your own Router/firewall/ access points
That's hilarious! Thanks to the owner for uploading that online.
Wow cool, I didn't know about this software and it's exactly what I was looking for a while ago!
Pay yourself first to keep your disposable low. (Define your saving goals and set up automatic saving into another sav account or TFSA/rsp or us alternative) run these transfers the same schedule as your paycheck.
Also, if you tend to spend fast and loose, you may want to Set an amount of time you must waitbefore you can buy the thing depending on cost.
I.e 2 days for a $500 purchase. If you still want it after 5 days, buy it.
That's an interesting logo..... What is that thing the eyes are on?
Agreed, I meant rather than asking for a back door or making it law, they could make it really difficult for the software vendor that the vendor actually volunteers a back door so they can be freed of the burden of asking permission for a patch and explaining what that patch does and what files it modifies etc..