The thing I find funny is all their posts are either begging for money or trying to start fights. That's it.
There are no bigger haters of Star Wars then those who claim to be Star Wars fans.
If I hadn't had a stroke in november and am still trying to get my brain back to normal I would totally learn how.
someone needs to make a Firefox plugin that reverts the change.
Movie 100%, I'm a big fan of her books, read the Vampire Chronicles multiple times over the years. Interview With The Vampire movie was very well done, she even wrote the screen play for it. The show is okay, but it changes quite a bit which I don't mind so much usually, but some of it that got changed was very vital to the story. So IMO, the movie is far better then the show, the show is enjoyable though. Whatever you do though, don't ever watch Queen of the Damned, it's absolutely horrendous, and not as an adaptation, just as a movie in general.
I would have hung up on the dirt bag. FDJT and every single one of his mindless sheep.
We need a lot more player 2 willing to do what needs to be done.
I'm albino and have had facial hair since I was 13. I think I got asked a few times over the years since turning 21, but it was always rare.
America should learn from history.
We need another player 2.
It's a great question.