I figured it was strictly about the control aspect of things, but this makes sense too. suppose it could always just be about both as well.
fuckin gross.
They love Neo-Nazis. What they don't love is when they get too loud or conspicuous, because it costs them PR points (sometimes). This is the only reason the right wing will ever so much as give lip service to thinking these people might be anything less than "very fine people".
Right wing hears ya, right wing don't care. (unfortunately)
I dunno man, these guys seem kinda insecure...
Don't worry, going by past history this will be available to any and....uhh, [checks notes] oh, uh-oh.
No wonder Republicans love this asswipe...
absolutely a horrible idea. please for the love of god don't do this, it will only lead to people getting dunked on for how they upvote/downvote.
Yeah, the SSN system is the stupidest freaking thing ever for all the crap we use it for. but trying to implement a better system is met with cries of "GOVERNMENT OVERREACH, COMMUNISTS! OH GOD IN HEAVEN, MUH RIGHTS!!!1!". So....we haven't really done anything about it, and probably won't in my lifetime.
Whatever damn fool did this has just made the situation about a million times worse. I don’t give a shit who did this, it was the worst move you could have made at the worst time you could have made it.
And those of you jumping to immediate conspiracy theories need to stop and think about how much we tend to make fun of Republicans for doing literally the exact same thing. Us spending the next 3 days circlejerking each other off our own bullshit conspiracy theories isn’t gonna help the situation, its just gonna make us all look like a bunch of hypocrites. Wait a few days, get whatever info they are willing to give us, and then try to figure out what happened. If it still looks fake or like a false flag or whatever the fuck after that point, whatever. but for gods sake use some critical thinking to get there instead of jumping to conclusions with no info.
For what its worth, I am extremely anti-trump, I am scared shitless of what will happen should he win a second term. But dear god, please think about the way you all are acting, when you act like the same kind of psychopaths you claim to stand against it is not a good look. please consider that before you post.
The last part of your comment is a mystery to me. Where exactly did I imply the industry should be allowed to do whatever it wants?
I would say yes at this point, for sure.