I love the irony of the fact that the tankie take on Ukraine is identical to the position generally taken by spouse abusers - "you shouldn't have made me attack you."
"Lefties keep calling us Nazis but they don't even know what Nazis are, and oh yeah, by the way, all of these people over here should be killed because they're an inferior race."
Even setting aside the staggering psychopathy of the modern right - their complete and utter disregard for the lives of other human beings - I don't even begin to understand how any human being could have so little self-awareness.
Yeah - I don't get it.
I wrote that whole pointed digression because it's a thing that's been shaping itself in my mind lately, and that headline reminded me of it. "Inseminated person" sounds like something out of The Handmaid's Tale, so I just immediately assumed that it was an example of the incels-in-office in action. That just sounds like such an incel thing to do - to reduce someone's identity to essentially "one who has been inseminated," as if having had semen pumped into you is the important part and everything else is just meaningless details.
I still can't sort out how that's supposed to in any way be progressive.
I has nothing at all to do with that.
In our current environment, I took "inseminated person" to be sort of a notably formal synonym for "cumdumps," or maybe less crudely, "sperm receptacles."
It seems to deny the individual so labeled of any human qualities aside from the fact that they've been, in conservative christian terms, blessed with a man's seed. The person described doesn't even seem to the important person in the description. It's more as if they're a mere receptacle, and the person who did the inseminating is the one who actually matters.
Self-evidently I should've read the article, but honestly it never struck me as even a possibility that such a dehumanizing phrase would actually be promoted as a progressive thing.
I'm becoming more sure all the time –
The stereotypical "incel" is a broader personality type, the negative qualities of which are not caused by, but merely to some noteworthy degree associated with, involuntary celibacy.
Involuntary celibacy does not, in and of itself cause "incel" attitudes and behavior, nor does sexual experience preclude them. It's possible for someone to be involuntarily celibate and not be an "incel" and it's possible for someone to have sexual experience and be an "incel" anyway.
And in fact, a significant part of the would-be oligarchs who are currently carrying out a coup d'etat and their assorted cronies and supporters are, by any standard other than the fact that they can (at least some time) get laid, "incels." That includes but is by no means limited to Trump, Musk, Vance, Hegseth, Rubio, DeSantis, Abbott..., and this guy.
So I'm curious - does your pretzel logic extend to other situations?
Imagine... John and Bob both want to buy a used car, and they both know that the other wants it too. Bob makes a better offer and gets to buy the car. Is John then justified to shoot him and take the car by force?
Or is that a right you reserve exclusively for Russia?