Run run, fast as you can...
Whelp, gonna have that song stuck in my head for days.
In the US, $ comes before a number, and ¢ comes after. It helps differentiate them at a glance. $1.50 or 75¢ You only use one symbol at a time.
Not all that many uses for the ¢ left these days, I suppose.
Certain ants are pretty distinct. Thatch ants spray formic acid as a defense, and will have a sour smell (and taste, or so I've been told). Odoriferous house ants are named so for obvious reason, and smell (to me) like pen ink. Assuming they taste terrible, but I dunno anyone who's tasted one.
Also, for what it's worth, my entomologist father refers to the thread's subject as "sow bugs", so that's how I know them, but pill bugs and rolly polly are common here.
In the winter, they are. English cukes you might find hothouse.
I was gonna say I think I liked reddit more before the digg folks came. Maybe Lemmy is right where it should be.
Tried to order pizza but it got Noided
That's a wild time to invest in phone booths!
Real answer is dialup modem speeds. Doubled our download (in my case, from 10 minutes per mb to 5 minutes!)
Wait, so you do or do not remember the excitement of going from 14.4 to 33.6 for dialup?
Places I worked when I was younger, it was just one of the jobs of the courtesy clerks, along with bagging and filling some things to the shelf. Even in a really busy store, I think there'd be a ton of wasted time if someone was doing only carts.
I like the idea that there's some shift that's just getting carts all day.
"Sorry, Johnson, people haven't left enough carts out lately. We're letting you go."
Unrelated, but you have any rabbits I could pet?