
joined 2 years ago
[–] Windows2000Srv 6 points 1 week ago

+1 for asianometry, that channel is incredible

[–] Windows2000Srv 9 points 3 weeks ago

Well, if she's ignoring you, and even after asking her to be a bit more with you she didn't change anything, it might be the best for you to start ignoring her back. No need to listen to someone trying to manipulate your feelings saying that you are this or that.

Good luck on Karl!

[–] Windows2000Srv 12 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

On Via Rail Canada, my train trip was 3h. The delay was 3h. So it literally was double the amount of time.

European train delay is nothing compared to Canadian train delay.


Accélération, freinage, virages et consommation d’énergie sont d’autant d’éléments quotidiens au volant qui reposent sur des concepts scientifiques et technologiques bien précis. Dans le cadre de notre projet de fin d’études en enseignement de la science et de la technologie au Québec, nous nous concernons sur les sujets qui vous intéressent le plus.

Dans ce sondage, vous devez classer différentes questions en fonction de votre intérêt. Vos réponses nous aideront à cibler les thèmes les plus pertinents pour rendre notre projet à la fois captivant et instructif.

Nous vous remercions d’avance pour votre précieuse collaboration!

– Quatre futures enseignantes du Québec Lien vers notre sondage:

[–] Windows2000Srv 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)
[–] Windows2000Srv 16 points 3 months ago

Boots should be leather

[–] Windows2000Srv 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Posted on South China Morning Post. Pretty obvious bias. If a Singaporean outlet would say the same thing, I would believe it, but I wouldn't trust a Chinese journal (or an American).

[–] Windows2000Srv 16 points 5 months ago

While I agree with the point made, calling it a study makes it sound like it was done by an independent party. This study was conducted by the article publisher. Saying "a study by The Breach" or "Analysis by The Breach" would have been more accurate.

I just find it a bit ironic that a newspaper calling out the bias of an another newspaper don't even take the time to label their title correctly...

[–] Windows2000Srv 2 points 6 months ago

Automatic formatting. Try to have an automatic table of content with and automatic index of tables in draw, it's not available. When I write a lab report, I don't want to check every page to make sure the title 3 is still on page 4.

Formatting software are good at manual formatting. Word processors are good at convenience. Once you know your way around, you can be fairly good at formatting with them, and you get the advantages of having some automatic features.

[–] Windows2000Srv 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I'm a bit like you! I'm studying to become a High School science teacher, so I'm not in a technical program. My computer serves mostly as a typing machine. I switched 2 years ago and it wasn't all smooth, but I'll share some of the things I encountered and what I did.

First problem I had, cloud sync. I used to be a a big OneDrive user and I wanted to sync everything with my drive as I used to be. There isn't a very good program for syncing OneDrive. I bought a licence to InSync and it made it work flawlessly. Seriously good software! (nowadays I host my own Nextcloud server, but don't start with that, it's a lot of job for not a whole lot).

Second problem was getting used to LibreOffice. Compared to Office, LO isn't formated around pages, every text you write is considered "one big text" and then it calculates where to put its page breaks and everything. What does it change? Not a whole lot, but technically speaking, it's not as good as a formatting tool as Word is. Doesn't really matter if you aren't a formatting freak like I am, but it took me a some time to get use to it. To get better with it, I recommend you to practice styles on it (text style and page style).

Third problem, collaboration. I didn't find a very good solution to it. What I do is I ask all my colleagues to write their parts online (Google Docs, MS Office Online,...) then once everything is done and perfectly written, I download it and open it in LO and do the final formatting. So I'm always the one doing the formatting. It's important than when you give it back to your teachers, give it in a .PDF format. (Btw, unrelated, but look into Zotero, it's a life saver)

And a general tip and trick I could give you is to keep close a Windows/Mac machine (not with you at all times, but just something you access fairly easily if you plan in advance). There were a few times a professor mandated that we submitted the work in MS office format, and I didn't want to risk it not being right, so I did it in LO and polished it in Office. That and I was asked to use a very specific, Windows only software, so having it was very useful.

If you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask!

[–] Windows2000Srv 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Mind explaining why you think she's a conspiracy theory nutter? Not asking in a bad way, I've just never heard that about her before

[–] Windows2000Srv 6 points 9 months ago

This article seems to say that this AWD is linked to the SA accident of earlier this week, which isn't linked at all. This article is weirdly written and clearly not made by someone who knows things about planes...

[–] Windows2000Srv 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Je prends l'idée de Kurzgesagt et je l'ai essayé un peu, sérieux ça fait du bien. (anecdotique, je sais)

À la fin de chaque jour, prends 2-3 minutes pour expliciter 10 choses dont tu es reconnaissant. Ça peut être aussi simple que "le café que je me suis fait ce matin est particulièrement bon".

Au début ces difficiles, t'as l'impression que t'écris de la shnoute, mais ce que ça apporte c'est en aval. C'est-à-dire, ça te "force" à voir des gestes/des choses qui t'amène ce sentiment de reconnaissance.


Even the CBC is making an article about it! 😅

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