The bot for the Braves thread had a truncation issue today, Reading these notes it seems like the limit increase should have prevented that if you want to take a look.
Damn, Kevin Pillar is a monster
@[email protected] Looks like the gameday thread broke because the post is too long, not sure if this is something that is fixable or if you are the right person to ping?
I am excited and also terrified at the prospect of him playing meaningful games next year
I’m exactly the same, didn’t have any socials, I did answer some niche 3d printing problems on Reddit occasionally but beyond that didn’t post at all. I edited/deleted all my posts from Reddit July 1 and haven’t looked back. I am trying to participate in comments much more to help build the communities here.
Lottery paid for my college education so yeah I don’t mind throwing 2 bucks at it every once is a while.
Hitler do be gettin into shenanigans with his mobile telephone.
As a hunter I own quite a few, but guess what? They are all fucking locked up in a safe and I don’t have any children, just my wife and I. How anyone could have children and think it’s ok to leave a firearm around is asinine.
I was racking up more kills then seagul or surefor in a couple of matches by playing support and placing 20 claymores and then suiciding into the enem, usually taking a couple out with me, respawning and rinse repeat. It definitely needed to be nerfed but I am a bit sad to see it go.
Baseball is back!
Good shit! Bookmarking this so I can check it out tomorrow.
Yeah I happened to stumble upon the answer myself so I went ahead and posted!