Describe the bug
I am trying to install AssettoCorsa but it seems like Protontricks does not find the right path.
protontricks (WARNING): Steam library folder /run/media/username/LinuxSeagate4TB/SteamLibrary not found. Protontricks might not have access to the directory.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Run command protontricks --no-background-wineserver 244210 shell
Command fails and error is displayed
Expected behavior
No Error and correct directory displayed. correct would be /mnt/LinuxSeagate4TB/SteamLibrary
System (please complete the following information):
Distro: [Fedora Linux 38 (Workstation Edition) x86_64]
Protontricks installation method: [dnf install protontricks]
Protontricks version: protontricks (1.10.3)
Steam version: 1689034492
I think they mean it is also infinite scrolling like tiktok and maybe even with algorithm.