Hello good people of lemmy! I come to you today with a question. So I’ve been doing some research into whether or not I have ASD. One of the main ways I’ve been “diagnosing” myself is by looking back at my childhood and seeing if any symptoms line up. One that isn’t really matching up is the aversion to trying new foods.
I’ve always been really good at trying new foods. I’ve never had a problem with it, and if I’m in a restaurant I sometimes try to find new stuff to try out if it sounds good.
Could this be an indication that I might not be autistic? I do have other symptoms, albeit some are kinda mild.
I should also mention that while I do try new foods, once I’ve found what I like, I tend to just eat that one thing. For example, I get the same thing every time no matter where I go, if I know what I like.
I hope you don’t mind, I might be reposting this elsewhere. This is phenomenal.