aaaaa, ty!! <3, do tell me if anything is broken, I use dendrite, which happens to sometimes be a bit of a wild ride :,)
I absolutely see your point, but It just absolutely downs me seeing my old name, which tends to happen on smaller projects, so whenever I can, I will actually filter branch :,)
hihi, kind of ironic :,) , which is why I decided to switch away from them, but back then I couldn’t resist the tempation of using such a mail, also… isn’t the mascot just adorable!!! <333 >w<
well besides it being a bad way to convice somebody
for me, it is not about wanting to and its not about childhood(I am an adult and I still strugle + am told what a awful person I am for wasting food), I have a small selection of gland foods I can eat in comfort, everything else is unbearable to eat, I don't refuse food because I don't want to be nice and just eat up, I refuse because It is painful to do and might vomit it all back up again
im embarrassed how long it took me to understand your joke and I still knew the handbreak logo :,)
also that picture is cute <333, maybe community picture material?
Hyia Tessa! <3
ooo, that sounds amazing!, I envy that!, I always wanted to go more down into hardware level, correct me please, with a distributed system you mean, an embedded OS, which you deploy in a cluster which shares its resources?, sad that you can't say much, sounds rly interesting!
sorry if that is a silly question, your egg has just recently cracked? :P
tysm cutie! you don't know how much I appreciate that <333, its a relatively new name but the second it came into my mind I couldn't let it go anymore ^^, Tessa is a really wonderful name too btw!
Yeah and I absolutely can't, I have been forced, which has been quite painful, although now adays that doesn't happen but people just pressure me, and if I can't, I get lines like "children in africa are starving", I have heard that one alot
Oh, don't worry, I have a couple more balanced comfort foods, that was just some hyperbelly :)
I agree with your point on small software comps, issue is, I was still very unsure about my identity when I got hired, which is imo the only reason they took me, considering Im constantly disrespected, called by my deadname although I have made it clear I don't want to be and I constantly listen to my coworkers talk about the "insanity of gender politics" as most of them are in the age close to retiring, which didn't make it easy to actually learn to be myself
also wow you have alot of experience!! :o