I use FreeTube, but it also depends on Invidious instances. If YT blocks the instance also Freetube wouldn't work, it show the Thumbnail, but on't play the Video.. My workarround is using the SMplayer as extern player, which almost works, when FreeTube can't.
But I think sooner or later there are not longer YT Front-ends, because Google kill them all, the only thing is to use an YT alternative, instead of an Front-end. The only which I know which can be an alternative in the future is Odysee, it depends on the creators which want to monetize their work, without all the Google crap, clickbaits, trackers and ads. Odysee permits to monetize in a more fair and clean way.
Until now is watching YT with a good adblocker, watch Videos embedded or search the Video with Andisearch y watch it there sandboxed in the search results.
I know, but it don't change that the time of watching YT without tricks, disinfectant and gum gloves has gone. It needs alternatives for the same reason we use Lemmy or Mastoon instead of Fakebook, X, Reddit....