Good Lord. What a wretchedly accurate description.
I was going to post that!
We got a few games into Charterstone many years ago and had to drop it. We picked it up again and are having a good time. We are also enjoying Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast.
Yeah, I had to check the community because I believed it too.
I would be interested as well. My family was almost completely meat free for a month and a half. I have no taste for meat anymore, but my spouse craved it even more for a long time.
That caught me too. Does OP also wear them in the pool?
Dril is the ultimate spiritual guide. Always the perfect mix of profound and idiotic.
I really thought that slogan was just a bit in Mad Men. I had no idea that was based on reality.
I try to read books without knowing anything going in; just the title and author. I just finished Piranesi and The Sparrow, which were both good and benefitted from knowing nothing. I grabbed The Witches are Coming off my pile because some more fantasy sounded good. Definitely a bit of whiplash coming off some dark sci-fi, expecting some lighter Pratchett-esque witches, and getting a collection of non-fiction feminist humor essays. It's a good read, but I really set myself up for disappointment.
When I was a kid I would see the magazines with headlines like, "Hillary Clinton gives birth to Bat Boy." I always wondered how they stayed in business; surely even the people buying them for a laugh were a tiny market.
Then I had a lot of jobs that put me at others' homes and I understood very quickly. Fixing computers, painting walls, census taking, even roofing. People that seem normal out in public seem to feel safe revealing their beliefs when they're on their own turf, especially when they have a captive audience.
In the US, at least, it's a frightening amount of people who believe in the really out-there stuff.
That's exactly what it feels like. Cops aren't required to be fair or pull over the fastest. If everybody around you is going 5-15 MPH over the speed limit and you're going 10 over a cop can still pull you over, even if someone just blasted past you.
This is what makes the situation you describe so frustrating. If everyone is speeding you can be pulled over for not joining in. If you try to be in the middle of the pack you'll likely be safe, but not necessarily. And if you get pulled over for something else, like a bad taillight or your kid made a face at the cop, a ticket for speeding is pretty likely.
Yeah, what do they hope to get out of this? If they're worried about damage to their brand/image then threatening a doctor is not helping.