Sure! It won’t comply, though.
The Windows 10 equivalent, Timeline, got discontinued in 2021. At this point in time it is unknown whether Microsoft will retrofit Recall into Windows 10. Knowing Microsoft it is safe to assume they’ll try anything for profit.
Seconded: CryptPad and Obsidian.
I like CryptPad by Framasoft, for big stuff.
Microsoft has a history of doing so, both with Minecraft customers and others. They just don't care.
Some web applications force me to open their screens in separate tabs and windows, by making the screens remove any filtering on revisit by back button. And thus I have 20 tabs open that all start with the same meaningless word.
Indeed. I'm not totally oblivious. Luckily I have learned a few phrases and figures of speech. But it seems I had a way harder time learning those than my school mates who weren't on the spectrum.
Right! I totally missed that! Why is Jalopnik advertising for the Post?
I took that AQ-10 test, and also pondered this particular question. No, I suck at reading between the lines. Give it to me straight, please. No beating around no bush.
Figures of speech pose an equal problem: I may just lack the cultural awareness that allistic people enjoy, but it's rare for me to understand a common phrase, and more often than not I'll invent a completely new one.
Reading between lines: do allistic people do that? How? Is it some skill I can learn?
Good. He can stay out.