I would argue that the vast majority of people who invest in any retail market are inevitably loosing money, no matter whether it's crypto or fiat.
Bloomberg: doubts about 1.2 billion euros transferred to avoid taxes
https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/mayo-launches-ai-startup-program-assists-epic-and-google (report from March 2022)
This is a candidate for the IgNobel Prize 🙃
When I see that the family next door gets robbed, raped and murdered, I do what I can to help them. This is not only in their but also in my interest, because then I may reasonably expect that the society would also help my own family should they have to experience the same hell. I don't want to live in a world where someone can commit the worst crimes and no one cares because "it is not in their interest". I guess that's part of what is called civilization.
I'm not supporting this politician, but the video sections give a VERY biased view of what she really said. This is completely out of context. Biased articles citing the video were first published by Bild Zeitung and Die Welt, two German newspapers published by Springer Verlag. In the meantime there reports (mostly in German) criticising these articles.
There's of course nothing wrong with critical journalism, but this is no journalism at all imo.
Which ones?
A comprehensive answer: https://www.dw.com/en/with-vast-arable-lands-why-does-africa-need-to-import-grain/a-62288483
Maybe also academics on Mastodon