Oh that's great, good feature to have
Autoupdates during times when I'm not using the system might not work, as I usually shut down the PC when it's not in use... 😅 Looks like the best way to deal with the issue is to try and write an application myself of sorts?
Would love to have a diff before building a new version, but reading this blogpost it seems you can only get one afterwards https://blog.tjll.net/previewing-nixos-system-updates/
Anyways, if I were to make an app myself, although not very reliable, using the [11/22/33] built,
logging during the nixos-rebuild
command could be a way to get some progressbar I think?
All these answers are so killjoy and boring. Like yeah we should strive to make our own planet better, but why not also do this? Building habitats on other worlds doesn't prevent us from caring for this one.
Plus maybe trying to make a liveable environment in space can give us new insights in preserving the one at home. Like how solar panels have come from space exploration.
It's kinda exclusive now that registrations are closed