Agreed. AFAIK not a single US mainstream media outlet has even covered the story, whitewashed headline or otherwise.
Partly business -- Israel and the UK have multi-billion £ trade agreements, and partly political -- the UK has long followed Washington when it comes to foreign policy.
Elections bring these issues into sharp relief, so of course people are talking about it -- especially since this particular election features the two most deeply unpopular candidates in US history.
It's never the wrong time to condemn the two-party duopoly for the facade of democracy that it is, or point out that the sentiments and circumstances that led to the rise of Trump need to be tackled at their roots before they go away.
Even if Biden somehow manages to beat Trump in November, there will be no meaningful political change until the dominance of the corporate two-party system is broken up and the financial burdens of the working classes are alleviated.
EnLiGhTeNeD cEnTrIsM is not the view that there is no middle ground ever; it's the assertion that there must always be a middle ground, even in situations where there is no reasonable compromise.
Or, to paraphrase the late James Baldwin: we can agree to disagree unless your disagreement is rooted in my right to exist.
And of course all the 'enlightened centrists' on Twitter are posting shit like:
So the state is now a parent, California?
Over this legislation. So they're either cynically misrepresenting what the law actually is supposed to do, or their reading comprehension isn't sufficiently developed enough for them to be voicing their idiotic takes in public.
Implying that the UK has been overrun with scary Islamist muslims was a choice, too.
This story has haunted me for the last day or so since I read about. I advise caution before deciding to read all the details, as it's pretty fucking bleak and heartbreaking.
And yet this is what Western Governments are enabling while the mainstream media ignore or minimize It. Imagine if this story was the headline on CNN...
A better approach I think is voting more progressive thinkers into congress and other places of power and authority.
And as we have seen, true progressives have been repeatedly pushed from the ticket in favor of establishment-friendly centrists time and time again. The two-party duopoly won't allow it.
He was also, it seems, a scumbag
Right, which is why it's a bit odd that OP chose to highlight the one single fact as the entire headline for this article.
As a cooking ingredient, maybe, but if you're using butter on toast, bread, etc. then Irish/French/British butter is clearly better.
Also, the superiority of European chocolate isn't to do with the cocoa content or the sweetness - it's just creamier and has a smoother texture.
I'll agree with you on the beer, though.