
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Darth Vader after she transitioned; the bar scene.


cuz ive never heard one on, say, Pandora. Do they still get played somewhere?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

just checked and i don't atm. I had cancelled my Distrokid earlier because it had some junk in it and I want to reinvent my Artist and release highest quality planned things. So I have no distributor atm and no songs out xcept one old song up on Amuse since like 2020 which is too outdated to even show. Will share when I do. ty


I'd love for others to share theirs!

So in my current era of musicmaking, I am taking my best epic 7 to 13ish minute songs that were each easily 100+ hours to make and many versions to get there, along with a few smaller gems, and adding layers in fl mobile and, later, in fl studio. I like to add about 9 instrument layers in a version in fl mobile, 50ish (but as many as 100 in one totally epic song) in fl studio, and, the new thing i hit on is a great process for getting songs in to Fl mobile. I so far have done up to 14 versions of songs, each a huge amount of layers built on the last. It's always possible to make something cooler.

So our first image is this.
We add a limiter so it doesn't ever distort from combined volume. And we also lower the volume of the Audio Clip layer down from where it starts (the level of Master) so we have room to play with before hitting the limiter.

And then just make a base 'good' instrument and clone it 7 times. Each instrument is a synth or recording (barely in view above), then an equalizer, then a reverb. I found I used these three so much, since they all do crucial things to make sounds sound good, that they might as well all 3 be on every instrument. So make that instrument sound good, clone it 7 times, and there's your high quality starting sound to diversify from while maintaining or raising the quality. thus song.

Hope you enjoy. FL Mobile is cheap and good. It calls to you.

bye :)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago (1 children)

God I hate sites that instantly play video ads. Like if I want my phoneplan fast data going to that. Wanted to read. Did not.

much gears (

meow im a gears

ai can't comprehend variation in spokes cause gears to not function


[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Can ai determine the symbolism it wants in a song and then choose whether the direction of a scale is down or up or which harmonies are used to convey it?

Just like real visual artists who put real thought and specific meaningful things in their images being basically beyond what visual ai can do... As a composer beyond the 'just makin a catchy tune for da moneyz', I don't have any fear of ai music. Music can convey the soul of it's maker. what soul does an ai have? Can you hear it's experiences in it's music?

So the people who don't learn instruments and instead enjoy ai music I personally don't see anything wrong with. Sure, go ahead! I do the same with visual art cuz I can't draw. Hopefully you can make something you enjoy. :) But there is a level of shallowness ai can't go beyond.

So I personally can interpret that ceo statement as decent and true for alot of his target audience without problem. Tho, for the sake of not getting 150 downvotes, disregard everything i said and pretend i immediately grabbed my luigi hat and 3d printed poison crossbow while yelling angrily, fist in the air.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

i personally think it isn't about 'need'. there could be 100 mods already and your goodhearted nature and visible care of this community would still cause me to think you would fit perfectly as a mod. Anyway, just my personal feeling. meow :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Can we have new drama please?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yes please!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

i think you should be a mod of this community

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

i like "trairest" lol


When I see "the FDA has stated..." I automatically think it is probably a corrupt conclusion bought by some powerplayer to maximize their own profit instead of having to do with whether the statement is true or not. I've always viewed FDA as basically a council of a bunch of power players on boards of Big Capitalism companies like Pepsi that make decisions based on control and market share rather than health.

but I see posts now about how trump attacking FDA equals bad. So is my view of FDA wrong? Are they noncorrupt? Are they a necessary evil? Should they be thrown in a volcano and remade?


Thought this a nice use of Perchance's low res but artsy image generation. And yes just the card art is ai


This is an amazing show; my personal fav of live action starwars. Stands out as nearly universally people like it. It's been cool following the reddit discussions of articles. Search nearly any show or movie and check out popular reddit articles and there are people that hate it and say so; not Skeleton Crew tho. It's like 100% of people love it or they recognize it isn't the genre for them but highly appreciate it. I think it's worthy of word of mouth spread so I'm doing my part telling you. It's like a big adventure instead of a war. I have not seen Goonies (I should), but alot of people say it's Goonies in space. We are on episode 5 of 8 and they release each tuesday at 6pm pst

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