Oh yeah, no question.
Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space (Weiss nicht, wie gut deutschen Fassungen sind)
Und wenn eine Quasi-Zwei-Buch Reihe auch passt, dann unbedingt auch Peter Watts' Blindsight und Echopraxia. Aber die gibt's möglicherweise nur auf Englisch, und die Handlung folgt nur einen Erzähler, aber ist trotzdem sehr lesenswert.
I think 79 is supposed to be the last year for gen X.
We should build more two or three story walk ups like Montreal has in the older neighborhoods. Places like the Plateau or St. Henri are great to live in.
It still blows my mind that there is barely any rent control regulation. This feels like it should be a federal thing.
I thought she had her own command now?
I'm on my second battery, this has been my main personal computer (gaming aside) for over ten years. Maybe it deserves one more extension on life... I'll think about it!
Oh yeah, mine lasts 30 minutes max, but for a home laptop that's fine.
Eh, mine runs fine. Only thing that bothers me is the crap display.
As a German speaker living in Edmonton - why is Calgary on this list?!
(also yes to the winter wasteland and truck fuckery rant)
Tschuldigung für das Angelsächsisch
The first of his books that I read. They are all mind blowing on their own ways. Not always easy reads, but super creative every time.