Thanks for taking the time to answer!
What's the typical reaction to that? Bring honest like that doesn't sound like a winning strategy, unless you pass it off as a joke maybe.
He'll be sorry cop alright...
Well that's it then, climate change solved!
I hear Aquaman is looking to boost his real estate portfolio.
We had this in Switzerland for a while, but it wasn't very popular.
Biden should run ads based on the sunglasses from they live. Before: what Trump says. After: what it actually means. The boomers would recognize the reference.
I semi recently discovered train hopping channels. Mainly Gifgas, but there are a few related ones that cross over into urban exploration (shiey for example). Especially the train hopping is something I would never do myself, and I guess that's why it's so fascinating.
The only way to regulate my intake is not to buy them.
Making sure the right team wins.
Replace Falcon with Starliner. Boeing is big enough to fuck up twice.