I think Vegas winning it at home would be fun, but no deep feelings either way.
The dropped stick made a better save than Bob did.
He's a good 2-way defenseman, usually commits 1-2 gaffes a game which had put him in the doghouse with a lot of fans. Its certainly not a bad deal for Columbus by any means, but more than the Devils could afford to spend on him given their defensive pipeline.
As a Devils' fan I wish him well, he was good when the team wasn't. I'm glad he had one last run with them but the team has too many young players waiting in the wings to spend that much on a defenseman in his back years. Also the return was a 3rd which is much better than I had expected, I was thinking a 5th; 4th if they were lucky.
Maybe this is just me being an old man screaming into the wind but Diablo, ironically, feels like its lost its soul.
Its a double edged sword, a lot of the communities are small and do not have regular posts. A few I joined are effectively dead ATM; the flipside is I do find the comments and conversations to be more engaging with less of the toxicity of Reddit.
Quick update: Maurice says he expects him to play in Game 3.
I want my Final Fantasy games turn-based not this action-RPG garbage, now get off my lawn!
I'm OG; I can still remember coming home and tearing it out of the box and throwing it on without having read the pamphlet (which they actually included then) and wandering around for hours having no clue what I was supposed to be doing. It was great!
That the average person will swallow 8 spiders a year in their in their sleep.
Ah the old scantily clad warrior woman being used to advertise... a match-3 game.
I've seen comments that 20% is the new standard and you should tip 25% for exceptional service. These days between price creep and the tipping I just stay home; I can't afford to go out anymore.