Did not try nmcli, but even when pinging it did not work. Anyways, now I have installed Pop OS and it works, ill probably spin up a new Arch install in a few weeks... Ill see. Thanks!
Haha, funny you say that, I was using BRTFS, but I never bothered to make any snapshot lol. My lazyness caught me. As for the system corruption, I think its pretty unlikely, the PC is running just fine now, and it was running perfectly fine the day before and under Windows in between reboots. The only part that had no network was my arch install
Je préfère avoir des usernames anonymes et qui sont pas inter-liés sur les plateformes comme Reddit ou c'est plus anonyme. Les plateformes comme twitter etc ou c'est moins anonyme je réutilise mon pseudo "normal". Donc, nouveau pseudo ici!
Sans oublier que si on augmentait la limite de vitesse, les gens iraient juste le 20% de plus que la nouvelle limite. Les gens ne se mettraient pas a respecter la nouvelle limite parce qu'elle correspond à leur ancienne vitesse
Hi, I wanted to tell you thanks for your help, I decided it would have been too much trouble and just decided to nuke my arch install, I had a separate /home partition so I just installed PopOS as a maybe not so temporary replacement until I do a clean install. I felt my system was a bit too far gone and I didn't really want to spend the rest of the day troubleshooting it. Anyways, thanks a lot for the help !!
Hi, I wanted to tell you thanks for your help, I decided it would have been too much trouble and just decided to nuke my arch install, I had a separate /home partition so I just installed PopOS as a maybe not so temporary replacement until I do a clean install. Anyways, thanks for the help!
Hey, here they are! Nothing too unusual except for IP a, (I suspect this is due to network manager not starting and kicking me out to my login prompt) and everything worked before that update
Hi, thanks for your answer, I was able to get a semi working system (as in no home partition can be mounted lol, I'll figure this one later)
I tried pinging my router but no response, works that's whatever. So no connectivity at all even though all the interfaces are detected and fully working (they work in arch-chroot and they connected when I still had my desktop env, just no communication)... When i check the NetworkManager status it is kind of empty and hints that it's disabled, so when I systemctl start it, it simply kicks me out of my session to my login screen (ie emergency login screen 😂)
Hey, I was able to kind of recover my computer and the status is kind of wekrd. It only shows 2 lines and when running systemctl start NetworkManager it simply waits for a few seconds and I get kicked out to my login prompt
This was fixed in this PR: https://github.com/dessalines/jerboa/issues/390, it should be available in the next app update
I hope 545 brings GAMMA_LUT support, night light is basically the only thing keeping me away from Wayland at the moment on my desktop. I absolutely love Wayland with my laptop
I see a lot of this, but to youtube, the value is with users that don't use ad blockers. If the share that use ad blockers leave, youtube will just lose less money. Sure Google wont be able to mine as much data on you, but I would go on and say the money this brings is insignificant if they can never show you ads.
YouTube does not care about the lurkers that use ad blockers, they don't contribute to the platform and they don't generate money as well. They would be way better off with us off the platform. I don't want this to happen but I can clearly see this coming since video streaming is expensive even for a giant like Youtube