I will never talk shit on the diverging diamond it solved a huge traffic problem at an interchange in my city. It does suck for pedestrians but they could always solve that with a bridge or tunnel. Luckily where we have ours there is almost no pedestrian traffic.
Yeah but there is a very distinct difference. Cadbury tastes like fake chocolate that's 90% sugar, Tony's still tastes like real chocolate even if you think it's shitty. Eat them back to back there's a noticeable difference in chocolate. I eat European chocolate all the time and Tony's is about as good just has a different flavor profile to it.
I'm not sure the last time any of these people have eaten Cadbury but it's absilute dog shit tier chocolate now in the USA. It's like buying Hersheys
Cadbury in the USA is also literal shit next to tonys
Man i agree with you
Anyone with a good high school education should understand this.
Are you suggesting it's not a big deal if the usa becomes a fascist country?
I wish someone would make a splatoon like game for pc. Likely they are worried about getting sued.
Albeit a veylry very very small one
Problem is he may take the USA down with him
Halo and halo 2 looked incredible for their times
We have ine and it's eay better than what we had to deal with before. It solved the traffic.