
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I chose it at the start of the project 🀷

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Update on this: I got the feature work done this weekend, so now I'll be testing it a bunch for upgrades and storage migrations

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I am aware of garage, but haven't tested it yet with pict-rs. It's a cool project for sure

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Yes. It uses sha256 rather than perceptual hashing, but that's Good Enoughℒ️

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I'm not against including an ipfs layer in pict-rs, but the complexity would go way up. Federating an image between lemmy servers would require sending the ipfs uri between servers via activitypub, and then each receiving server sending that uri to pict-rs. pict-rs would then need to decide, on each server, if the ipfs-stored image matches that servers' image requirements (max filesize, max dimensions, etc), and if it does, then that pict-rs server would request to pin the image. I don't know exactly how ipfs pinning works, but ideally it would only be stored locally if it isn't already stored in at least N other locations. If the remote image doesn't match the local server's configuration, it could either be rejected or downloaded & processed (resized etc).

Serving ipfs-stored images that aren't replicated locally might also be slow, but I won't know for sure unless I actually try building this out.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I can only say "when it's ready." I think most of what I want to include in 0.4 is there, but I don't have a ton of time to work on it currently. I might see if I can get my last feature changes in this weekend, then it will be a matter of ensuring the 0.3 -> 0.4 upgrade is smooth, and that storage migration is solid

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 years ago (11 children)

pict-rs doesn't keep track of how often it serves different images, so there's not a good metric for pruning old images. That said, 0.4 will introduce functionality for cleaning up processed images (e.g. resizes/thumbnails), removing their files & metadata. If they are viewed again, they will be re-generated.

0.4 will also include the ability to scale down images on upload, rather than storing the original resolution. This is not yet implemented, but it's on my roadmap.

All this said, it is already possible to use pict-rs with object storage (s3-compatible), rather than block storage. That's a good option if your hosting provider offers it

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've just published the stable version of pict-rs 0.3, and included a short write-up in the release description. Not much has changed since I posted about the betas, but check out the release anyway!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 years ago

what I noticed personally is that my pict-rs server had eaten 1,200MB of RAM, which is the limit I allowed that container. it was still working and it automatically restarted on crash so I didn't notice it oops

after I fixed the problem, my pict-rs server has been running at about 29MB for the last 12 hours. Significant improvement I'd say

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 years ago

for context: I am the pict-rs developer

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) (3 children)


I gave tokio-console a buffer way too big


Update pict-rs to at least v0.3.0-rc.7, which doesn't enable console by default

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 years ago (2 children)

how long does it take for pict-rs to use up this memory?


Hey all! Just wanted to share a little fun side project I've been working on recently. It's an ecosystem similar to smol for writing async rust code, but the internals make no use of unsafe at all


  • async-join: a safe join_all function for Vec<Future>
  • polldance: a safe polling library built on unix poll with rustix for memory & io safety
  • foxtrot: a safe async reactor bulit on polldance and rustix
  • jitterbug: a safe async executor with multi-threaded work-stealing support

I'm not here to say "you should definitely use this" because I've wirtten zero tests, and I've made no effort to implement standard apis like AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, etc, but I wanted to show it is possible to build these things yourself

Shoutout to rustix for making socket programming safe and easy

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 years ago (1 children)

If you don't know what OpenTelemetry is but you're having OpenTelemetry errors in your logs, it likely means that you have an opentelemetry_url set in your config when you shouldn't. You can get rid of the error by deleting that line, which will disable opentelemetry exports


Hey all! I'm the developer of pict-rs, the image host API used by lemmy. I'm here to officially announce the availability of the pict-rs 0.3 beta releases. As I type this, v0.3.0-beta.3 is currently building and should be published to dockerhub shortly. Here's what's new


There are now APIs to fetch metadata about images. These endpoints are mentioned in pict-rs's, but at a high level they can return mime-type, dimensions, and creation date for original or processed images

The rest of the pict-rs APIs have not changed, so if you experience different behavior, please let me know in the channel on matrix.


pict-rs no longer links against imagemagick, ffmpeg, and gexiv2. This change makes developing on pict-rs significantly easier, since it now compiles like a normal rust application with very few system dependencies. This also means it can be easily linked against the musl standard library to create a static executable.

Instead of linking against the programs mentioned above, pict-rs will now spawn imagemagick, ffmpeg, and perl-image-exiftool processes in order to manipulate images. The required versions are

  • Imagemagick: At least 7.0
  • ffmpeg: At least 4.0
  • perl-image-exiftool: whatever Arch or Alpine are packaging right now


images are now organized into directories by default, and will no longer have original files dumped into the root of files/. If upgrading from 0.2, a migration script will attempt to move existing files from their current locations to this new structure. Please please please take a backup of your pict-rs storage directories before upgrading.


pict-rs now supports configuring the service with a file, rather than relying on commandline arguments or environment variables. The majority of settings can still be manipulated through the environment or through the commandline, but there is a specific feature (mentioned below) that can only be accessed through a configuration file. For information on configuring pict-rs, take a look at the pict-rs.toml file

Object Storage

There is now object storage support built-in to pict-rs. If you already have a pict-rs deployment as part of your lemmy server, there is an included migration feature to help move from your existing block storage to object storage for the image files. This does not completely remove pict-rs dependency on a local filesystem, but all original images and transformed images will be stored in object storage rather than on the local filesystem.

In particular, pict-rs database still resides on the local filesystem, and temporary files created when manipulating images will still use the /tmp directory.

Object Storage has not been tested with any cloud provider, but I have set up a local minio container for local testing. If you try to use pict-rs with your favorite cloud provider and it doesn't work, please let me know in the channel on matrix.

If you are migrating from local storage to object storage, the specific way to accomplish that is with pict-rs's --migrate-file <file> flag, and the associated migration file. An example can be found here

Finally, object-storage is behind a feature flag, and can be disabled in custom builds of pict-rs by providing the --no-default-features flag to cargo when building


Since actix-rt gained support for io-uring with 2.3.0, I have implemented an io-uring file backend for pict-rs. It is disabled by default, as io-uring requires a recent linux kernel release and I don't want to publish an application that doesn't work on most people's computers, but if you are interested in building and running an io-uring version of the application, you can pass --features io-uring to cargo to produce an io-uring backed binary rather than traditional blocking file IO.

In my personal testing, io-uring performed significantly better for serving files on my laptop running linux kernel 5.13.

Keep in mind that io-uring in the actix-web ecosystem is currently considered unstable and is therefore exempt from semver, so the io-uring feature in pict-rs should also be considered unstable.


That about wraps up this announcement! Here's some useful links for pict-rs:


I'm writing this to hopefully get the attention of @[email protected] or @[email protected] to let them know that I lost my database today, which means my gitea (where pict-rs is hosted) is down until I get a new database in place and upload the source again

I think I'll have that up again this evening

In related news I will not be on mastodon or matrix for a while


I've had mixed results trying to use Sway on my pinebook pro. Before I reflashed manjaro recently, Sway seemed to run alright, but now I get a perpetual black screen when trying to log into Sway. If I launch it from within my MATE environment it works fine.

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