Wearing those fancy shoes, too!
I think about this a lot
More porn for the rest of us!
Would I be able to post my nudes there?
Sorry about your cars, y'all
-an American
We're fortunate our utility (Puget Sound Energy) will give us rebates for DIY improvements as well.
We installed a heat pump and got money back from the state and the feds.
It definitely makes sense to evaluate electricity costs. It's unfortunately expensive to get a heat pump in some places.
Where we live, the Seattle metro area, it was a huge cost savings to get our heat pump.
Crunch the numbers and make sure it makes financial sense.
We love our heat pump!
We did a DIY install a few years ago. Cost about $4500 in total for a Bosch 18k BTU unit and everything needed to install it.
We got $900 back from the state (WA USA) and $2000 back from the feds. That brought our total out of pocket down to $1600.
We had electric resistive heat and no AC previously. Our heating bill went down by $50/month in the winter. It added maybe $10/month in the summer for air conditioning.
For our area, with mild winters and low electricity costs, it's fucking amazing.
To be fair, the father got the vaccine, then died
Really nice of you to offer this to the community!