Do you have any shooting/pulsing pain or numbness, or other symptoms, or just general pain in a specific area? If it is only general pain in one spot, I would try something like massage or physio, but if it has other it could be something to see a DR for if it's sticking around longer than a few days and doesn't feel better with heat or pain relievers
Speaking as a Canadian, there is also some much arrogance and ignorance about things outside of your country that baffles my mind (not from all but from a large portion of the population). American exceptionalism and decades of really effective propaganda that has gotten increasingly more unhinged from reality and crumbling education system probably isn't helping either. (I don't mean that as an insult, every country has issues, and we were very good neighbors and allies until recently)
I watch a few different channels regularly. Here are a few of my favorites
Cecilia Blomdahl lives in the Arctic Circle/northern Norway and has lots of adventures and videos her day to day life in a really interesting way.
Also some Brits who have been renovating abandoned chateaus in France called Escape the Dream and a new one called Mucky Mansion are great escapism
Brain Pilot makes some good videos recapping a few shows i enjoy
I have a few classic youtubers I still watch from back in the day Safiya Nygard and Grace Helbig, for some beauty/crazy fashion/cooking stuff
If you want a sane political/comedy channel, Trae Crowder, the Liberal Redneck is fantastic. In that same vein, Some More News does fantastic deep dives in lots of political and social issues focused mostly on the US
Living big in a tiny house is really interesting seeing cool tiny homes around the world
Takis shelter is a channel from an amazing man who runs a sanctuary for animals in Crete and is a literal saint
Honestly, because you can find fun and different stuff we don't have here, see Trader Joe's and the many treasures you can get there. It's a cheap vacation, and at least in the past, you could get a lot for your money because stuff was much cheaper (not so much since covid and the last few years, though)
I purchased one of these a while ago, and I am loving it so far. It's made out of coconut coir, the shape is fantastic for most jobs, the bristles are super scrubby without scratching, and it's easy to clean. Although I am not sure how long it will last as I have only had it a few months myself. But I have never loved a dish brush as much as this one, and it's a bit more of a greener option as a bonus
I love it in the air fryer, similar to baked broccoli, just a bit more crispy