That's awesome. Thanks for the hint.
joined 2 years ago
Thank you. I am trying it out right now and it feels great.
Would it be possible to add the number of posts in the search results next to the number of members when searching for a new sub? It just so happens that many subs are created but content is missing. So it would be nice to know in advance how much content is there before clicking it.
Also would it be possible to retain the search results? Whenever I click on an empty sub and go back, the search results have been purged and I need to start a new search. Quite annoying if you are trying to find me subs.
Probiere doch mal aus. Das ist zwar "nur" eine Webseite / Webapp, aber die ist so smooth programmiert, dass das wirklich nicht auffällt.
Waren doch eh zun Großteil irgendwelche Paulaner. Aber ich verstehe dein Ansinnen.